A Little Bit of Soul
Our latest Intelligent Design beer comes from brewer Kevin Garey, and it’s an ideal summer beer. Soul Desert is a farmhouse ale brewed with saison yeast and Lorien and Luminosa…
Never Go Against a Sicilian
Surly MSP Senior Brewer Francis Willette’s first Intelligent Design offering was so successful that it never went away–you can find Pizza Party on both levels of our Beer Hall. His…
Don’t Spell It, Drink It
Our latest Intelligent Design offering comes from Josh “JAWSH” Lemke, our Brooklyn Center lead brewer. It’s called SupercalifragilisticHAZYalidocious. No, really. Josh’s challenge for this beer was to create a hazy…
Heed the Edict
One of our more unique Oktoberfest offerings allows you to choose your own flavor profile. It’s also one of the most traditional and part of our brewer-focused Intelligent Design series.…
Splendor in the Lemongrass
Gừng Sả inspired our latest Intelligent Design effort, this one from brewer Matthew McKenna. Lemongrass Ginger Saison takes a flavor profile prominent in Vietnam (Gừng Sả literally means ginger &…
Bogey Beer: It’s Above Par
Our latest Intelligent Design* offering comes from brewer Kevin Garey, who took inspiration from a drink named after a legendary golfer. No, not Happy Gilmore. Please read for more information…
Get Your Phiber
Our latest Intelligent Design* offering comes from brewer Paige Hiber, who brewed a traditional bock lager called, appropriately enough, Phiber Bock! *If you’re unfamiliar, Intelligent Design is the name of…
Choose Weizely
Our latest Intelligent Design* offering comes from brewer Kyle Kennedy, who put his own spin on a kristallweizen, a clearer version of a classic hefeweizen. He gave us the lowdown…