For as long as we’ve been Surly, we’ve been Giving a Damn. Connecting with and supporting our community is deeply embedded in our values and in how we spend our time.
Primarily through volunteerism, Surly Gives a Damn (SGAD) partners with local organizations that feed the hungry, fill our blood banks, house families, clean up our neighborhoods, and so much more. Our volunteers are both employees as well as Surly superfans who are simply as passionate about giving back as we are. All of us together make a damn difference.
Will you join us?

Food fuels us. Food connects us. When we share a meal, we share our thoughts and our culture, creating stronger ties and building a vibrant community.
Food is a human right and no individual or community should go without. SGAD believes in not only feeding and connecting people at our Beer Hall, but also partnering with and supporting our local food shelves/food banks and community organizations. We work to get food into the hands and mouths of those who need it.

It is hard for people to connect and be part of the community when they’re struggling.
SGAD believes in leaning in and lending a hand to organizations that help folks locate the resources and support they need to find sure footing during challenging times and to live their lives independently and with dignity.

There may not be anything better than drinking a beer in the beer garden, or on a lake, or in the park on a beautiful day. SGAD believes we need to preserve these spaces so we can continue to enjoy them for years to come.
Because of this, we’ve worked on maintaining Trail Head gardens and planting trees along The Greenway. We maintain and create hiking trails. We plant trees along the Mississippi River and we gather to beautify our city by picking up garbage.
Volunteer Opportunities
Free Work Shirts+
Sign up to volunteer with Surly Gives a Damn and you get the following: a free Surly beer, a bunch of community, all the good feels and a free SGAD t-shirt. Wear the shirt each time you volunteer with us and feel prouder each time, guaranteed.
Fine Print: If there are opportunities to volunteer at special events, you need to first put in some time. (Simply sign up and complete an SGAD event first and that will get you on the “inside scoop list”.)