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A More Perfect Ten

We just celebrated our 11th anniversary. We’re gearing up for our 12th. But before we get to that, we’d like you to revisit an old friend. As you may recall,…

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2018 Brand Calendar

The 2018 Surly Brand Calendar is brimming with surprises, new beers, and what we in the brewing industry call “cool shit”. We can’t wait to share it with you. Here’s…

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The Hops Control Us

There are three things you need to know about Hopshifter, Surly’s newest year-round beer: It’s a new IPA. From Surly. That should be enough, but we committed to three things…

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2017 BA Darkness

It’s nice to be able to answer the questions you get on social media in a positive, affirmative manner. Sometimes you simply can’t: To the person on Instagram who asked…

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Barrel-Aged Pentagram

Pentagram is our dark sour ale, fermented on Brett and aged in red wine barrels for 18 months. What Barrel-Aged Pentagram does is take it one step beyond. After its…

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A Beer for Peter Simpson

UK-based Simpson’s Malt was founded in 1862, and over five generations, the Simpson family has provided their malting expertise to breweries and distilleries the world over. Their base of operations,…

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Wet hop beers are worth the trouble. You have an incredibly limited window in which to brew them. The farther away you are from the hop fields, the more hoops…

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Darkness Day Guests

You line up for Darkness Day. You get your wristband. You purchase your allotment of 2017 Darkness. Now what? Given that you’re at a brewery, and you maybe want to…

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