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And We’re Back.

Welcome to Version 3.0 of Surly’s Beer Hall 2020, opening at 3 pm on Thursday, August 6th. We’re healthy and excited to get back to what we do best. Here’s what you need to know:

CONTACTLESS ORDERING. No paper menus. Don’t leave your phone at home, you’ll need it to check the menu and place your order. Beats Facebook. Wi-Fi is free under the Surly Guest handle. Go to and check out the current menu/tap list if you’d like to plan your visit.

And when we say contactless, we mean it. No getting up to order, no flagging down servers. Mayor’s orders. Stay at your table, place your order on your Blackberry or other mobile device, we’ll bring it out. It seems to be the safest way we can operate right now, and we want to continue operating because we all kind of need a beer right now.

When you arrive, you’ll be carded and wrist-banded, so please bring a valid ID if you’d like to order beer.

Other than that, it will be similar to what you’ve come to expect. Masks are required, please bring and wear one. We have them for sale if you forget, but no entry until you mask up. Please wear it anytime you get up from your table, are not actively eating or drinking, and anytime you interact with staff (checking in, bringing Furious to your table, etc.). Parties are limited to four people, six with children. Credit/debit card only, no cash, no checks. You can get hog frites *and* pizza at the same time, because you deserve something nice in 2020.

Reservations are recommended in advance if you want to guarantee your spot. They’re available up to a month out. Walk-ins are welcome and although there may be a short wait, we won’t turn you away. It’s a big beer garden.

And if you’re sick, STAY HOME. We’ll be here when you’re better.




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